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CSS - SAA Employees Survey: View Response #2

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Your Occupation


Date of Travel


Flight #

SA 0363

Class of Travel and Seat #


Duty Travel Booking Process

  Poor Average Good
How satisfied were you with the Approval process? 
How satisfied were you with the travel confirmation process? 
How efficient were the Travel Office personnel? 

Please provide us with reasons for your selected response.

There is too much red tape on the process. Being on standby while on duty travel is incomprehensible.

How would you rate your experience at Check-in at the Airport

  Poor Average Good
How would you rate the Check-in service? 
Waiting time at Check-in: 
Grooming standards of Check-in personnel: 
Friendliness and Professionalism at Check-in: 
Staff Efficiency during Check-in: 

Do you have more feedback for the Check-In Team?

 The check in agents are not as friendly with us as their colleagues especially at OR Tambo.

How would you rate the Boarding and Departure service?

  Poor Average Good
Boarding information (signage) 
Boarding announcements 
Grooming standards of the gate personnel 
Friendliness and Professionalism 
Boarding efficiency 
Priority Boarding 
Your overall Boarding and Departure experience 

Was your departure on time?


If delayed, were you kept informed?


Please provide additional comments, if any:

Boarding at OR Tambo and cape Town is not efficient because all passengers use the same entrance.

Inflight Service: Cabin Crew

  Poor Average Good 
Friendliness of our Cabin Crew 
Grooming standards of Cabin Crew 
Communication Skills 
The night service provided by the Crew (where applicable) 
The cleanliness of the toilets and cabin 
The overall service quality standards of our Cabin Crew 

Additional Comments:

There is general insecurity in the organisation due instability at the top which leads to reduced commitment.

Inflight Service: Food and Beverage

  Poor Average Good
The Beverage Selection 
The menu options and availability 
The presentation of the meals 
The overall food and beverage service system 

Any advice or recommendation for improvement?

There is room for improvement here.

Arrival & Baggage Services

  Poor Average Good  
Staff presence at the exit doors 
Staff assistance 
Baggage delivery times 

Is there anything else you would like to share with us concerning your travel experience?

Approval can be quicker and we should be confirmed when on duty travel.

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.

South African Airways Service Research Team


Created at 11/20/2015 12:01 PM by Zuko Mguzulwa
Last modified at 11/20/2015 12:01 PM by Zuko Mguzulwa